Request Email to HR Manager for Extension in Last Working Day – Sample Email to Request Extension in Last Working Day

To: _________@____.__
Bcc/Cc: _________@____.__

From: _________@____.__

Subject: Request for extension in LWD

Respected HR Manager,

I am ________ (name) and I work as ________ (designation) in your company. ________ (mention duration). My employee ID number is _________ (employee ID number).

This is to most humbly inform you that on __/__/_____ (date), I resigned from my duties because ________ (mention reason), and as per the records, the decided last working day with your company is __________ (date). Through this email, I request you to kindly extend the last working date by __________ (number of days) days as __________ (mention reason).

I shall be highly obliged if you could extend the same and confirm this with me at the earliest. In case of queries, please contact me at _________ (mention contact details).

Thanking You,

Yours Truly,
__________ (Digital signature),
__________ (Name),
__________ (Contact Details)

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