Permission Email for Shooting in College – Sample Email Requesting Permission to Conduct a Shoot at College Premises

To: _________@____.__
Bcc/Cc: _________@____.__

From: _________@____.__

Subject: Request for shooting permission

Respected Dean,

My name is _______ (name), and I write this letter with the utmost respect to seek your kind permission to conduct a scene shoot for an _______ (advertisement/ short film /movie /dance /act /other) at your esteemed college, _______ (college name).

Through this email, I would like to inform you that I have been diligently searching for a suitable college property with amenities such as ___________ (mention amenities) for the above-stated shoot. After careful consideration, I found out that your college is the perfect location for our shoot which includes the mentioned amenities and infrastructure as per the requirement. The shoot has been scheduled between __:__ (start time) and __:__ (end time) on __/__/____ (date).

The number of members who will be present during the shoot will be about _________ (number of members), including models, actors, and actresses. Moreover, we are more than flexible to schedule the shoot on weekends and also during vacations to minimize any impact on your college’s academic activities.

We are willing to comply with any applicable charges and complete all necessary formalities to utilize your college for our __________ (advertisement/ short film/ movie/ dance/ act/ other).

I request your permission to proceed with the shoot. I shall be highly obliged for your quick and kind consideration in this regard.

Thanking you,

_____________ (Digital – Signature),
_____________ (Name),
_____________ (Contact Details)

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