Email to Send Payment Delay Notice – Sample Payment Delay Notice Email

Dear __________ (name),

This email is in reference to the overdue payment of _________ (amount) in the name of ____________ (name) for ____________ (account number).

It is to inform you that the said amount was due on __/__/____ (date) and the same has not yet been paid. We understand your reason for not repaying the amount ___________ (mention reason – if known) but anyhow, we believe we won’t be able to help you out with this. Moreover, the borrowed amount attracts an interest rate of ________ (interest) as unpaid by the due date.

Looking forward to your response in this regard. You are requested to make the payment before _________ (date) to avoid any legal proceedings.

[Digital Signature – if applicable]
____________ (Signature)
____________ (Name),
____________ (Contact details)

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  • sample email to send notice for delayed payment in English
  • email sending the notice for unpaid borrowed amount template in English

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