Email to Employee who Missed a Meeting – Sample Email to Employee for Missing the Meeting

To:        _________@____.__ (Receiver’s email address)
Bcc/Cc: _________@____.__ (Bcc/ Cc receiver’s email address)

From:   _________@____.__ (Sender’s email address)

Subject: MOM for the missed meeting

Dear ___________ (Employee name),

I hope this email finds you well. We missed your presence at the ______________ (meeting name) which was scheduled for __/__/____ (date) at __:__ (time) at ___________ (venue). Your insights and contributions are valued, and your presence was certainly missed.

To catch up on what was discussed, please find the meeting minutes attached. If you have any questions or need additional clarification, feel free to reach out. We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and we appreciate your dedication to staying informed.

Looking forward to your continued participation in future meetings.


[Digital Signature]
__________________ (Name),
__________________ (Designation),
__________________ (Contact number)

Incoming Search Terms:

  • Sample Email to Employee who Missed a Meeting
  • Email to Employee for Missing the Meeting
  • Missed meeting email template to employee

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