Target Not Achieved Mail to Boss – Sample Email Informing Boss About Unachieved Targets

To   : ____________ (Enter Receiver's Email Address)
Cc   : ____________ (Enter Carbon Copy Receiver's Email Address)
Bcc : ____________ (Blind Carbon Copy Receiver's Email Address)

Subject: Update on Target Achievement – Employee ID __________

Dear __________ (Name of the Boss),

I am __________ (Your Name), an employee at __________ (Your Company), serving as __________ (Your Position). My employee ID is __________ (Your ID).

I am writing to provide an update on the targets assigned for the current period. Regrettably, I must inform you that the set targets have not been achieved. I take full responsibility for this outcome and understand the importance of meeting our goals.

Target Achievement Details:

Employee ID: __________ (Your ID)
Target Period: __________ (Specify the period)
Assigned Targets: __________ (Specify targets)
Achieved Targets: __________ (Specify achieved targets)
I shall be obliged for any guidance or corrective measures you suggest to improve performance in the upcoming period. Your insights are valuable, and I am committed to working diligently to meet and exceed expectations.

Thank you for your understanding. I shall be obliged for your continued support and mentorship.


__________ (Your Full Name)
__________ (Your Position)
__________ (Your Contact Information)

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