Request for New Laptop Bag – Sample Email Requesting Issuance of a New Laptop Bag

To: _________@____.__
Bcc/Cc: _________@____.__

From: _________@____.__

Subject: Request for a new laptop bag

Respected Sir/ Madam,

I would like to inform you that I am __________ (name) and I work as ___________ (designation) in __________ (department) department of your esteemed ____________ (Company/ Organisation) i.e. _________ (name of the company. My employee ID is ____________ (Employee ID).

I am writing this email with the utmost respect to request you to kindly provide me with a new laptop bag. Respected, the reason behind my request is that my previous laptop bag got _______ (damaged/ torn/ stolen/ has become unusable/any other), and due to this, I am facing issues such as ________ (mention issues).

If required, I am ready to proceed with all formalities. I shall be highly obliged if you could provide me with the same at the earliest.

Thanking you,

____________ (Name),
____________ (Designation),
____________ (Employee ID number)

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