Request Email to Municipal Corporation for a New Footpath Construction – Sample New Footpath Construction Request Email

To   : ____________ (Enter Receiver's Email Address)
Cc   : ____________ (Enter Carbon Copy Receiver's Email Address)
Bcc : ____________ (Blind Carbon Copy Receiver's Email Address)

Subject: New Footpath Construction Request

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to bring to your attention the need for a new footpath construction project in our locality. The absence of proper pedestrian pathways is not only inconvenient but also poses safety concerns for the residents.

I, _________ (Your Name), residing at _________ (Your Address), has observed that certain areas, particularly _________ (Specify Locations), lack adequate footpaths. This has led to pedestrians facing difficulties in navigating safely, especially during busy hours.

I shall be obliged if the Municipal Corporation could initiate a new footpath construction project in the identified locations. This endeavor would significantly improve the safety and convenience for pedestrians in our community.

Your prompt attention to this matter will be highly appreciated.


_________ (Your Name),
_________ (Your Address),
_________ (Your Contact Number)

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  • Request Email to Municipal Corporation for a New Footpath Construction
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