Request Email to Bank for Loan Statement – Sample Email to Bank Manager Requesting Loan Statement

Respected Sir/ Madam,

This email is in regard to the loan account that I hold in your bank. My account number is __________ (mention account number) and I have been operating this bank account for last _________ (mention duration).

I write this email in order to request you to issue the loan statement in my name. I need the statement for the duration of _________________ (mention duration/ date) till ___________ (mention duration/ date). Respected, I require the said statement as __________ (mention reason).

Therefore, I request you to issue the statement. As per the requirements, I am ready to proceed with all required formalities. I shall be highly obliged for your kind support. For further queries, you may contact at _________ (mention contact details).

Thanking you,
___________ (Your name),
___________ (BAnk account number),
___________ (contact details)

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  • sample email requesting issuance of loan account statement
  • loan account statement issuance request sample template

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