Request Email Seeking Permission to Conduct a Drone Shooting – Sample Email Requesting for Permission to Conduct a Drone Shoot

To: _________@____.__
Bcc/Cc: _________@____.__

From: _________@____.__

Subject: Request for shooting permission

Respected Sir/ Madam,

My name is ________ (name) and I am writing this email to seek your permission to conduct a drone shoot for an _________ (mention purpose for shooting – advertisement/ short film/ movie/ dance/ act/ other).

I am writing this email with the utmost respect to request your kind permission to conduct a drone shoot at your property. This is to inform you that I am willing to conduct a drone shoot and your property seems perfect for the scene. The shoot must take place at your property __:__ (start time) and __:__ (end time) on __/__/____ (Date) and a total number of participants will be _________ (mention number of participants).

I urge you to kindly consider this as a genuine request. Moreover, for using your property a one-time _________ (amount) will be paid to you. I expect your timely response as this will help us in the timely completion of the necessary formalities. In this regard, please contact me at ________ (mention contact details).

Thanking you,

[Digital Signature – if applicable]
____________ (Signature)
____________ (Name),
____________ (Contact details)

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